The vendor neutral Certified Penetration Testing Consultant course is designed for IT Security Professionals and IT Network Administrators who are interested in taking an in-depth look into specific Penetration tests and techniques against operating systems.  This course will teach you the necessary skills to work as a penetration testing team, the exploitation process, how to create a buffer overflow against programs running on Window and Linux while subverting features such as DEP and ASLR. This course will guide you through OWASP Top 10, teach you how to create shellcode to gain remote code execution, and understand and build different proof of concept code based on exploits pulled from exploit-db and testing using a debugger.  The course starts by explaining how to build the right penetration testing team, covers scanning with NMAP, leading into the exploitation process, a little fuzzing with spike to help guide our proof of concept code, writing buffer overflows, understanding OWASP, Linux stack smashing, Windows exploit protection and getting around those protection methods, a section on report writing, and capping off the course with a scenario that will you’re your skills as a penetration testing team. 

This course uses in-depth lab exercises after most modules. Students may spend 16 hours+ performing labs that emulate a real-world Pen Testing and exploit development

All Combos Include:

  • Online Video
  • Electronic Book (Workbook/Lab guide)
  • Exam Prep Questions
  • Exam
  • Cyber Range Lab


  • IS Security Officers
  • Cyber Security Managers/Admins
  • Penetration Testers
  • Ethical Hackers 
  • Auditors


  • Upon completion, Certified Penetration Testing Consultant students will be able to both establish an industry acceptable pen testing process as well as be prepared to competently take the C)PTC exam.


  • The Certified Penetration Testing Consultant exam consists of two parts. Part 1 is taken online through Mile2’s Assessment and Certification System (“MACS”), which is accessible on your account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions.  


Course Title:  C)PTC V2 
Language: English, Duration: 5 Days, CPEs: 40 Hours
Class Format Options: Instructor-led classroom, Live Online Training
  • C)PTE or equivalent knowledge
  • A minimum of 24 months experience in Networking Technologies
  • Sound knowledge of TCP/IP
  • Computer hardware knowledge
Student Materials:
  • Student Workbook
  • Student Lab guide
  • Student Prep Guide

Certification Exams:

  • Mile2 C)PTC


  • Module 1:  Pen Testing Team Formation
  • Module 2:  NMAP Automation
  • Module 3:  Exploitation Process
  • Module 4:  Fuzzing with Spike
  • Module 5:  Simple Buffer Overflow 
  • Module 6:  Stack Based Windows Buffer Overflow 
  • Module 7:  Web Application Security and Exploitation
  • Module 8:  Linux Stack Smashing
  • Module 9: Linux Address Space Layout Randomization
  • Module 10: Windows Exploit Protection
  • Module 11: Getting Around SEH and ASLR
  • Module 12: Penetration Testing Report Writing


  • Lab 1: Skills Assessment
  • Lab 2: Automation Breakdown
  • Lab 3: Fuzzing with Spike
  • Lab 4: Let’s Crash and Callback 
  • Lab 5: MiniShare for the Win
  • Lab 6: Stack Overflow. Did we get root?
  • Lab 7: Defeat Me and Lookout ASLR
  • Lab 8: Time to overwrite SEH and ASLR


Module 1 – Pentesting Team Formation

  • Section 1 – Project Management 
  • Section 2 – Pentesting Metrics 
  • Section 3 – Team Roles, Responsibilities and Benefits  
  • Lab Exercise – Skills Assessment

Module 2 – NMAP Automation

  • Section 1– NMAP Basics 
  • Section 2 – NMAP Automation 
  • Section 3 – NMAP Report Documentation 
  • Lab Exercise – Automation Breakdown
Module 3 – Exploitation Process
  • Section 1 – Purpose 
  • Section 2 – Countermeasures 
  • Section 3 – Evasion 
  • Section 4 – Precision Strike 
  • Section 5 – Customized Exploitation 
  • Section 6 – Tailored Exploits  
  • Section 7 – Zero Day Angle 
  • Section 8 – Example Avenues of Attack 
  • Section 9 – Overall Objective of Exploitation
Module 4 – Fuzzing with Spike  
  • Section 1 – Vulnserver 
  • Section 2 – Spike Fuzzing Setup 
  • Section 3 – Fuzzing a TCP Application 
  • Section 4 – Custom Fuzzing Script 
  • Lab Exercise – Fuzzing with Spike
Module 5 – Simple Buffer Overflow
  • Section 1 – Exploit-DB 
  • Section 2 – Immunity Debugger 
  • Section 3 – Python  
  • Section 4 - Shellcode 
  • Lab Exercise – Let’s Crash and Callbac
Module 6 – Stack Based Windows Buffer Overflow
  • Section 1 – Debugger 
  • Section 2 – Vulnerability Research
  • Section 3 – Control EIP, Control the Crash 
  • Section 4 – JMP ESP Instruction  
  • Section 5 –  Finding the Offset 
  • Section 6 – Code Execution and Shellcode 
  • Section 7 – Does the Exploit Work?
  • Lab Exercise – MiniShare for the Win
Module 7 – Web Application Security and Exploitation
  • Section 1 – Web Applications 
  • Section 2 – OWASP Top 10 - 2017  
  • Section 3 – Zap 
  • Section 4 – Scap
Module 8 – Linux Stack Smashing 
  • Section 1 – Exploiting the Stack on Linux 
  • Lab Exercise – Stack Overflow. Did we get root?  
Module 9 – Linux Address Space Layout Randomization
  • Section 1 –   Stack Smashing to the Extreme 
  • Lab Exercise – Defeat Me and Lookout ASLR 
Module 10 – Windows Exploit Protection
  • Section 1 – Introduction to Windows Exploit Protection 
  • Section 2 -  Structured Exception Handling  
  • Section 3 – Data Execution Prevention (DEP) 
  • Section 4 – SafeSEH/SEHOP
Module 11 – Getting Around SEH and ASLR (Windows)
  • Section 1 – Vulnerable Server Setup 
  • Section 2 –  Time to Test it Out 
  • Section 3 - “Vulnserver” meets Immunity 
  • Section 4 – VulnServer Demo 
  • Lab Exercise – Time to overwrite SEH and ASLR
Module 12 – Penetration Testing Report Writing 
  • Section 1 –  Reporting 



Devaum Technologies is a Startup in high end IT services, training and consulting organization.


  • Office 3rd Floor, Vrajraj Complex, Sunil Society, Zaver Nagar,
    Nr. UMA Char Rasta, Waghodia Road, Vadodara - 390019